Barry left us unexpectedly on June 8, 2010. In his 25 years of life, he brought so many wonderful memories to people around him.

A memorial service will be held on Thursday June 17 at 4:30pm, in the Gold Room of the Stanford Faculty Club. Please RSVP by completing the form here.

Directions to the Stanford Faculty Club can be found here.

If you would like to post an article here to share with us your memories about Barry, please follow the instructions below.

Email your message to:
barrychai1985.2010 [at]
with the subject:
From [Your Name Here]
and include the text and images (up to 10MB in size) in the body of the email.

Your messages will help the family know Barry better as a beloved friend, a treasured classmate, and a trusted colleague.

Thursday, July 22, 2010



1996年小學畢業,移民加拿大溫哥華,開展視野,接受西方文化洗禮,同時保有東方文化節儉謙和的特質。 中學時熱愛籃球,柔道,滑雪等運動,廣讀武俠小說及歷史著作,熱衷於比較東西方哲學思想差異。以身為華人自豪,也學習西方孩子獨立堅強的長處,為離家入大學作好準備。





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